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Image by Ryan Stone


Read the articles below for an understanding of the ongoing policy issues in Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Image by Andrew Gook

Vancouver's NPA, TEAM Least Likely to Support Bike Friendly Motions: Analysis

Despite professed commitment to be a bike friendly city, several council-members are less likely to vote for supporting infrastructure based on party affiliation. Nathan Griffiths of the Vancouver Sun reports.

Image by Michael Schofield

Biden-Harris Administration Delivers on Strengthening America's Cybersecurity

The White House recently published a statement highlighting how the current administration has improved cybersecurity. Read for a list of relevant programs, actions, and policies.

Image by Matt Hardy

Canada's Ocean Energy Smart Grid Project Reaches Milestone Testing

Two years of development has shown promise in Canada's smart island-distribution power network. Read on to learn how Canada is harnessing the power of the ocean.


Mexico: When Trade and Energy Policy Collide

A collision between Mexico's state-owned oil company and state utility may end up clashing with the country's Electric Industry Law, as well as the U.S. -Mexico-Canada Agreement. Leonardo Beltran of Americas Quarterly reports on this contentious issue.

Image by Franck

Canada Targeted in 141 Ransomware Attacks in 2021

The Canadian government's publication of various ransomware playbooks has not kept its organizations safe from ransomware attacks, most of which hit the manufacturing sector as reported by Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

Image by Dina Lydia

Amid A Massive American Clean Energy Shift, Grid Operators Play Catch-up

Robert Zullo of NC Policy Watch writes that unprecedented policy - the Inflation Reduction Act, recent programs run by the U.S. DOE and U.S. DOT - has led to a flood of renewable energy development. But can utilities and municipalities keep up with changes to an old grid?

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